segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

Atualizações de rede do LinkedIn, 25/06/2013

Atualizações de rede, 18 de jun - 25 de jun
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Benoit F.
Benoit F.
Loon, le nouveau projet fou de Google -
Loon, le nouveau projet fou de Google -
Après les Google Glass, voici les Google Balloons. Le géant américain de l'internet a annoncé samedi le lancement de son projet expériemental "Loon", qui prévoit de relayer internet via des ballons gonflables dans la stratosphère.
Pranav Nair
Pranav Nair
9 Startup Habits That Will Transform Your Work
9 Startup Habits That Will Transform Your Work
When I left journalism school, I and half of the grad students in my class entered the job market as freelancers. (It's a tough market for journalists, even today). And then a peculiar thing...
Alison Ashton
Alison Ashton Coffeehouse chatter = better productivity. Gotta try some this!
How the Hum of a Coffee Shop Can Boost Creativity
How the Hum of a Coffee Shop Can Boost Creativity
Pulling up a seat at your favorite coffee shop may be an efficient way to write a paper or finish a work project. Now a new Web site lets you bring the coffee shop to your cubicle.
Hugo Ariel Moreno Santillan
Hugo Ariel Moreno Santillan
Confianza en las TI ayuda a la supervivencia de las pymes: Symantec
Symantec Corp. presentó su Encuesta Global de PyMEs 2013, la cual concluyó que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs) que tienen calificaciones de confianza en TI más altas son más exitosas en el aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de información...
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Este e-mail era para maria herculana mendes santos silva (advogado na Otaku News Network). Saiba por que incluímos isto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

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